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Home / About / Membership
Home / About / Membership


Benefits of Membership at EABC

As a member of EABC you can avail of the following benefits:


  • Full use of Clubhouse and facilities
  • Club bar and lounge
  • Social nights and activities open to members
  • Seasonal Activities such as kids Christmas & Halloween parties, Annual Dinner Dance and Christmas dinner
  • Free use of Clubhouse for private functions and events
  • Sign in your family members or friends


  • Free entry into Spring, Summer and Winter racing series
  • Safety cover at events and Club dinghy racing
  • Reduced rate for specific training courses hosted by EABC
  • Supervised use of the slip
  • Winch and crane for keel boat launching and retrieval
  • On site boat storage for Winter months (dependent on availability and additional fee)
  • Use of licensed mooring area in Larne Lough close to Clubhouse









No charge


£78 (inc VAT)










Fee Committee

Social Spouse/Partner

£17 (inc VAT)

Family Membership £285

Full Membership £215

Cadet Membership

House Membership

Junior Membership

Outport Membership

Sailing Associate Membership

Honorary Membership

Family Membership

Family Membership shall comprise of a couple plus Junior Membership for all associated children up to the age of 18 years.

Full Membership

Full members shall be those over the age of 18 years. They have the right to use all the facilities of the Club and have voting rights in all the affairs of the Club and are eligible to hold office on the General Committee.

Cadet Membership

Cadet Members shall be those who have reached the age of 18 years and are under the age of 25 years who are undergoing a course of full-time education or a recognised apprenticeship.

House Membership

House Members shall be those over 18 years of age. They are entitled to use the facilities of the Clubhouse but not the sailing facilities.

Junior Membership

Junior Members shall be those under 18 years of age on the 1st of January of the current year and those under 16 years of age must have at least one parent or guardian who is a member of the Club.

Outport Membership

Outport Members shall be previous members of the Club, currently residing outside Northern Ireland.

Sailing Associate Membership

Sailing Associate Members shall be those who are presently Full Members of a recognised Sailing Club (details to be supplied on application form).

Honorary Membership

On the recommendation of the General Committee, Honorary Members may be elected in recognition of outstanding services to the Club.

Temporary Membership

Any person whose permanent residence is outside a radius of 25 miles from the Club premises may be admitted to Temporary Membership of the Club for a period not exceeding one month on payment of the prescribed fee.

The owner and crew of visiting yachts may be authorised to use the premises of the Club by any member of the General Committee of the Club and shall be regarded as a Temporary Member.

Any person who is a competitor in any race or event organised by or on behalf of the Club and any person who is a member of the crew of such competitor for such purposes of the race or event is entitled to use the Club premises, for the period of the event and shall be regarded as a Temporary Member.

Parent/Guardian Membership

Parent/Guardian members shall be those Parents/Guardians of Junior Members who will be responsible for their Junior members and will be available to assist with junior training/events.

Sailing Crew Membership

Sailing Crew Members shall be new members who crew for full members during club racing. Sailing Crew Members will not have voting or keelboat storage rights and cannot hold a position on any committee in the Club but will be able to participate in sailing activities and have the use of Club Facilities. The fee will be 1/3 of the current cost of Full Membership of the Club for the first year, without any pro-rata deduction, rising to 2/3 of the current cost of Full Membership for the second year, leading to Full Membership in the third year

Spouse/Partner Social Membership

Spouse/Partner Social Members shall be the Spouse/Partner of a Full, Honorary or House member. They are entitled to use the facilities of the Clubhouse but not the sailing facilities.


Last updated 19:11 on 21 December 2024

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